Seperti daerah-daerah lain di Sabah, Kota Marudu turut melahirkan pejuang-pejuang yang berjuang untuk menegakkan keadilan serta menghalau kedatangan penjajah yang cuba untuk menguasai daerah ini sambil mengaut keuntungan hasil bumi kita yang tidak ternilai banyaknya. Mereka sanggup menggadai nyawa semata-mata untuk memastikan daerah ini tidak jatuh ke tangan penjajah dan memporak-porandakan kehidupan masyarakat pribumi.
Syarif Osman merupakan antara tokoh terawal yang berjuang untuk menentang penjajah. Beliau dikatakan sebagai wakil kepada Kesultanan Sulu yang mentadbir wilayah Teluk Marudu. Kehadiran penjajah di Borneo Utara khususnya di Teluk Marudu telah mengganggu-gugat amalan kehidupan masyarakat setempat di daerah ini. Perbuatan penjajah tersebut menyebabkan timbul rasa tidak senang di hati Syarif Osman lantas melakukan beberapa serangan ke atas kapal dagang penjajah. Siri serangan yang dilakukan oleh beliau menimbulkan kemarahan penjajah lantas melakukan tindak balas dengan bantuan Rajah Putih Sarawak, James Brooke.
Penjajah telah mencatatkan dalam sejarah bahawa Syarif Osman adalah seorang ketua lanun dan pemberontak di Teluk Marudu sekitar 1890-1895. Catatan itu membuat penduduk yang tinggal di daerah Kota Marudu tidak berpuas hati kerana setelah negara ini merdeka, mereka menyedari bahawa penentangan Syarif Osman itu sesuatu yang murni, yang tidak difahami oleh masyarakat setempat masa itu. Perjuangan beliau telah menjadi dorongan ke arah kelahiran semangat kebangsaan ia itu inginkan kebebasan dari kuasa kulit putih, penjajah Inggeris.
Syarif Osman yang berkubu di muara sungai Marudu telah diserang oleh satu angkatan kapal perang Inggeris yang diketuai oleh Kapten Mundy. Pertempuran itu menyaksikan kehancuran kubu pertahanan Sharif Osman, sekaligus beliau turut terbunuh. Pengikut-pengikut Sharif Osman yang berundur dari kubu itu sempat membawa jenazah Syarif Osman untuk dikebumikan di luar dari kawasan kubu itu. Kini, kawasan kubu dan tanah perkuburan Syarif Osman itu telah menjadi satu tanda sejarah di daerah Kota Marudu. Manakala isteri Syarif Osman, Dayang Cahaya dan beberapa orang pengikut setia dikatakan melarikan diri ke Sugud menggunakan jalan darat melalui beberapa perkampungan iaitu kampung Tandek dan kampung Botition.
Kejatuhan Syarif Osman di Teluk Marudu dalam usahanya menentang kuasa Penjajah tidak berakhir di situ sahaja.. Selepas itu muncul beberapa lagi pejuang tempatan dalam kalangan kaum Dusun seperti Si Gunting, Rindongon dan Kulindod dan lain-lain untuk menentang kuasa Inggeris. Bagaimanapun, kesemuanya mereka gugur sebagai bunga bangsa , kecuali Si Gunting yang telah berdamai dengan Inggeris.
Sumber: http://marudutuaran.blogspot.com/2010/10/tajuk-kenali-daerah-anda-pejuang-bangsa.html
Catatan yang menyebut Syarif Osman sebagai Lanun
''Pada hari ini 19.08.1845, satu pertempuran telah berlaku di antara tentera-tentera Inggeris dan pasukan tentera Syarif Osman di Marudu, Sarawak. Syarif Osman merupakan salah seorang pembesar dan ketua yang memerintah Marudu. Beliau juga salah seorang penentang utama James Brooke, di samping Pengeran Yusuf, Syarif� Sahab Malar dan lain-lain. Serangan ke atas orang-orang Inggeris dilancarkan melalui jalan laut. Serta Penentangan bertambah hebat apabila tindakan Syarif Osman mendapat sokongan daripada Syed Yusuf, Perdana Menteri Sultan Brunei yang juga bencikan campur tangan Inggeris ke atas kubu-kubu Brunei pada bulan Oktober 1844. Situasi ini menyebabkan James Brooke merasa bimbang dan beliau berusaha mendapatkan bantuan tentera dari Singapura. Beliau kemudiannya telah dibekalkan dengan kapal perang dan pasukan tentera diketuai oleh Thomas Cochrane. Akhirnya pada hari ini pasukan James Brooke ini telah menyerang kubu Syarif Osman di Marudu dan pertempuran telah berlaku di antara Inggeris dan Syarif Osman. Dalam pertempuran ini kubu Syarif Osman dapat dimusnahkan dan beliau sendiri telah terkorban dalam pertempuran itu.''
olaa... mau tanya kepada admin, boleh saya tau dr mn sumber atau official rujukan admin dapat... sebab sy bminat untuk buat research pasal syarif di kota marudu ni...tapi sa bukan orang kota marudu hihi...tq
ReplyDeleteBetulkan cerita pasal syarif Osman yg dtulis oleh admin ni. Macam ada kesalahan disitu.
1. Syarif Osman bukanlah utusan dari kerajaan sulu atau lanun. Beliau adalah seorang pengembara pedagang.
2. Syarif Osman bukan seorang pahlawan tetapi seorang saudagar yg bijak.
3.syarif Osman berasal dari Arab Dan keturunan rasul. Belayar ke pulau sulu utk tujuana berdagang. Dan berkahwin dengan seorang perempuan yg berasal dari pulau sulu.
4. Syarif Osman berlayar ke pulau borneo utk meneruskan perdagangannya. Dan di pulau borneo inilah bermulanya kisah syarif Osman.
5. Marudu adalah antara tempat terawal peradaban perdagangan di pulau borneo. Nama MARUDU ini adalah gabungan perkataan bahasa kuno di pulau borneo. MA - bermaksud Satu kawasan yg luas. RU - Satu kuasa yg kuat Dan DU - bermaksud pertempuran yg sangat dasyat.maka lahirlah nama MARUDU yg kini dinamakan KOTA MARUDU.
6. disebabkan perdagangan syarif Osman seringkali terganggu Dan diganggu oleh peperangan antara kaum Dan antara lanun2, maka syarif Osman telah membuat Satu rancangan dengan kebijaksanaannya.
7. Dengan kebijakan syarif Osman, beliau telah berjaya menyatukan semua bangsa yg Ada di pulau borneo..(kecuali bangsa pakistan.tiada Catatan sejarah kaum di borneo)
8. Setelah seluruh bangsa atau kaum yg terdapat di pulau borneo ini dapat disatukan Dan bersatu Dan syarif Osman telah diangkat sebagai ketua@pemimpin.maka terjadilah Satu kerajaan Marudu yang agung.
9. Dengan kekuatan yg Ada dlm pimpinan syarif Osman maka beliau telah melebarkan wilayah hampir separuh dari pulau borneo ini Dan hampir keseluruhan pulau borneo.
10. Dengan sokongan semua bangsa Dan kaum yg Ada di pulau borneo makan syarif Osman telah mengistiharkan wilayah borneo yg mempunyai kerajaan sendiri berpusat di Marudu ( Kota Marudu).ianya tidak boleh dituntut oleh mana2 kerajaan ketika itu.
11. Kejatuhan kerajaan Marudu ( wilayah borneo) disebabkan oleh raja Broke yg berpangkalan di serawak.kerana takut dengan populasi Kerajaan Marudu pimpinan syarif Osman, makan telah berpakat dengan prmimpin2 dari kerajaan yg lain,sulu,kumpulan2 lanun,tentera2 luar Malah sampai ke Singapura untuk menyerang kerajaan Marudu.
12. Apabila kerajaan Marudu pimpinan syarif Osman roboh Dan tewas..maka bermulalah dasar pajakan kawasan atas dasar habuan menjatuhkan kerajaan Marudu pimpinan syarif Osman.
13. Setelah berapa Abad, pAra pengkaji sejarah dari UK telah kembali ke Marudu (Kota Marudu) Dan mengali makam syarif Osman yg terletak di teluk Marudu ( pekan lama) ternyata makam itu kosong Dan tidak ada jasad syarif Osman yg Ada Hanya lah makam atau Kota yg dibena.dlm kejian para sejarawan Itu mengatakan syarif Osman tidak terbunuh ketika peperangan tersebut tetapi disembunyikan Dan diclear-kan sebagai terbunuh Dan makam atau Kota syarif Osman dibena utk mengelirukan pihak lawan.
14. Nama Kota Marudu adalah sempena nama Kota@makam-syarif Osman Dan Marudu sempena nama
Kerajaan Marudu pimpinan syarif Osman.
## pulau borneo telah awal berkerajaan sendiri yg berpusat di Marudu. Dan tidak boleh dituntut oleh mana2 kerajaan mahupun Negara luar.
# sumber dari Catatan sejarah borneo yg disimpan di mazium UK.
Cari pautan google "MARUDU OF KINGDOM"
Minta maaf. Sejarah mengatakan si Gunting lahir d serisim dan bangsa dusun adalah salah. Beliau merupakan keturunan Iban, lahir di sarawak berkahwin d km. Nama sebenar adalah Gunting.'si' cuma tambahan nama panggilan penduduk. Nama Gunting adalah berasal dr cucu kepd dewa iban, sengalang burong. Dan nama tersebut menjadi ikutan selepas cucunya. Jarang2 malah tidak ada nama dusun seperti nama Gunting. Jgn lupa, org2 iban menjelajah hingga ke kinabatangan.
ReplyDeleteVersi lain berkaitan Syarif Osman.
ReplyDeleteBeliau merupakan seorang berdarah Brunei,Dayak & Arab. Memberontak Raja Brooke di Sarawak dan kemudiannya berhijrah ke Kota Marudu. Beliau ditentang oleh Gabungan Rajah Brooke dan Sultan Brunei. Namun pada masa yang sama beliau dibantu oleh putera sultan Brunei yang juga dibantu tentera sultan Brunei yang berpaling tadah.
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ReplyDelete4th North Borneo Sultan Sharif Osman [1830 to 45] succeeded his father Brunei Pengiran 3rd Sultan Sharif Md Salleh son of 2nd Sultan Md Daud son of the founding Sultan Abdul Wahab of the then 1795 Brunei Empire’s 2nd Division [ North Borneo , now State of Sabah Darul Afiyah , Malaysia ] who inherited the off-shoot North Borneo sultanate from his father 20th Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin [SOAS] I of the undivided Brunei empire from 1740 to1795 .He descended directly from the warring early Brunei Sultans Abdul Hakkul Mubin , Mohyuddin and Muhammad Ali.
ReplyDeleteIn “Thus Has Marudu Ceased to Exist:The Rise and Fall of a North Bornean Kerajaan” written by German Doctor Bianca M. Gerlich , it thus partly said : “Syarif Osman was said to be generally in the possession of supernatural properties and invulnerable: “as he[Syarif Osman], being one of those whom they deem invulnerable, exposed himself to every fire, and fought to the last” (S. St. John 1862: II, 207).
Malaysian authors considered Syarif Osman as a hero who was brought down by the British: “Matilah seorang pahlawan keturunan darah Raja akibat pengkhianatan dan hasutan Inggeris”(Buyong 1981: 15).
In the book Commemorative History of Sabah 1881–1981, edited by Anwar Sullivan and Cecilia Leong, which was published by the Sabah State Government on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Sabah, Marudu was described as an independent chiefdom whose interference in the politics of Brunei led to Vice Admiral Cochrane declaring Marudu as a pirate stronghold and destroying it. Nevertheless, Nineteenth Century [19th] colonial officials were already in doubt as to the representation of Osman as a pirate. Thus Bulwer wrote: “Yet it is very doubtful if he [Osman] was guilty of the charge brought against him as a pirate ”
Even Captain Belcher, who sailed with Brooke to Brunei in 1844 and who in his letters to the Admiralty supported Brooke’s defamation of Syarif Osman, came to a different assessment in his book after having learnt in Manila of the real behavior and motivation of Syarif Osman: “At Maludu Bay, in particular, the destruction of Seriff Housman has deprived the people of that region, of the only energetic ruler who could have afforded protection to European traders” (Belcher 1848: II, 124). Before Syarif Osman was defamed by Brooke he was recognized as ‘Rajah of Maloodoo’ by Governor Butterworth of Singapore (Belcher 1848: I, 170), and even Pascoe, who took part in the Battle of Marudu as an officer, described him as Rajah (Pascoe 1886:
He was recognized by European government officials such as Spanish General Claveria of Manila and British Governor Butterworth of Singapore, as well as by local neighbors. Syarif Osman cultivated very good relations with the two directly neighboring sultanates of Brunei Darussalam [ First Division of the Brunei Empire] and Sulu. He was married to a pious lady Dayang Sahaya who was reportedly crossing rivers at the surface , a daughter of the Sulu Sultan Shakirullah [ who personally governed Sandakan for 19 years before becoming a Sultan [1822 -23] and a Rajah Muda [1808-1822] , Warren] of Sulu and was a friend of her brother, the heir to the throne Rajah Muda Muhammad Buyong . Sulu had not only acknowledged Marudu to Sulu, but found it a reliable partner in troubled times. Syarif Osman was also accepted at the court of Brunei. He was a friend of Pengiran Usop, who exercised effective control in Brunei in his position as bendahara , the Crown Prince Pengiran Anak Hashim and other Brunei nobles .
....tell me..was he good??...or bad ?..as claimed by Rajah Brooke??...I am confused...who to believe...
Delete4th North Borneo Sultan Sharif Osman [1830 to 45] succeeded his father Brunei Pengiran 3rd Sultan Sharif Md Salleh son of 2nd Sultan Md Daud son of the founding Sultan Abdul Wahab of the then 1795 Brunei Empire’s 2nd Division [ North Borneo , now State of Sabah Darul Afiyah , Malaysia ] who inherited the off-shoot North Borneo sultanate from his father 20th Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin [SOAS] I of the undivided Brunei empire from 1740 to1795 .He descended directly from the warring early Brunei Sultans Abdul Hakkul Mubin , Mohyuddin and Muhammad Ali.
ReplyDeleteIn “Thus Has Marudu Ceased to Exist:The Rise and Fall of a North Bornean Kerajaan” written by German Doctor Bianca M. Gerlich , it thus partly said : “Syarif Osman was said to be generally in the possession of supernatural properties and invulnerable: “as he[Syarif Osman], being one of those whom they deem invulnerable, exposed himself to every fire, and fought to the last” (S. St. John 1862: II, 207).
Malaysian authors considered Syarif Osman as a hero who was brought down by the British: “Matilah seorang pahlawan keturunan darah Raja akibat pengkhianatan dan hasutan Inggeris”(Buyong 1981: 15).
In the book Commemorative History of Sabah 1881–1981, edited by Anwar Sullivan and Cecilia Leong, which was published by the Sabah State Government on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Sabah, Marudu was described as an independent chiefdom whose interference in the politics of Brunei led to Vice Admiral Cochrane declaring Marudu as a pirate stronghold and destroying it. Nevertheless, Nineteenth Century [19th] colonial officials were already in doubt as to the representation of Osman as a pirate. Thus Bulwer wrote: “Yet it is very doubtful if he [Osman] was guilty of the charge brought against him as a pirate ”
Even Captain Belcher, who sailed with Brooke to Brunei in 1844 and who in his letters to the Admiralty supported Brooke’s defamation of Syarif Osman, came to a different assessment in his book after having learnt in Manila of the real behavior and motivation of Syarif Osman: “At Maludu Bay, in particular, the destruction of Seriff Housman has deprived the people of that region, of the only energetic ruler who could have afforded protection to European traders” (Belcher 1848: II, 124). Before Syarif Osman was defamed by Brooke he was recognized as ‘Rajah of Maloodoo’ by Governor Butterworth of Singapore (Belcher 1848: I, 170), and even Pascoe, who took part in the Battle of Marudu as an officer, described him as Rajah (Pascoe 1886:
He was recognized by European government officials such as Spanish General Claveria of Manila and British Governor Butterworth of Singapore, as well as by local neighbors. Syarif Osman cultivated very good relations with the two directly neighboring sultanates of Brunei Darussalam [ First Division of the Brunei Empire] and Sulu. He was married to a pious lady Dayang Sahaya who was reportedly crossing rivers at the surface , a daughter of the Sulu Sultan Shakirullah [ who personally governed Sandakan for 19 years before becoming a Sultan [1822 -23] and a Rajah Muda [1808-1822] , Warren] of Sulu and was a friend of her brother, the heir to the throne Rajah Muda Muhammad Buyong . Sulu had not only acknowledged Marudu to Sulu, but found it a reliable partner in troubled times. Syarif Osman was also accepted at the court of Brunei. He was a friend of Pengiran Usop, who exercised effective control in Brunei in his position as bendahara , the Crown Prince Pengiran Anak Hashim and other Brunei nobles .
The down fall of Marudu fort or North Borneo Sultanate’s National Police / Armed Forces General Headquarters – not the North Borneo Sultanate as it continued up to 1886 – was engineered by a non-entity adventurer James Brookes who pro-actively courted the British representatives , navy officers and finally the British Monarch to designate him as an agent of the Monarch and then applied his gun-boat diplomacy , deceptive and coercive tactics to justify and achieve his end . This meant to say that British Queen Victoria was not fully blamed for the destruction of said fort , unjustified killings of hundred uniformed and non-uniformed volunteers of the sovereign North Borneo as she was not fully aware of the lies , misrepresentations and deceptions of James Brookes . Had Brookes been straight forward and up-right agent , the aggression made by the British navy which did not comply with the rules of engagement / law on war on August 19 , 1945 would have been aborted , thus perpetuating the peaceful climate , prosperity , and political stability obtaining in North Borneo .
ReplyDeleteBrookes’s hidden ultimate end was to actually seize the Brunei Sultanateat all costs had he been given a chance . After he was informed by his intelligence men and his puppet Pg Muda Hashim that Sharif Osman will kill him in turn if he kills the Brunei Sultan or besieges Brunei Darussalam on account of the close blood and symbiotic relations of Sultan Sharif Osman and his 2nd cousin uncle the Brunei Sultan SOAS II son of Sultan Jamalul Alam I , he managed to conclude a Treaty with Brunei Sultanate , part of it was suppression of piracy , to use it as an inescapable mechanism to destroy Sultan Sharif Osman . Brookes intentionally defamed Sultan Sharif Osman , though without an iota of basis , as that is the only means whereby a sovereign monarch can be dealt with . Brookes then drafted a letter to be signed by Brunei Sultan SOAS II , authorizing the British naval forces in February 1845 to attack Marudu . It was ,however , a failure on the part of Brookes as he did not get the support of British naval fleets for the purpose of intimidating and coercing the Brunei Sultan into signing Brookes ‘s draft letter .In the following month of March , Brookes was lucky enough to have made available the coercing naval forces of British near the Reception Hall of the Sultan with their cannons and guns ready to fire if the Brunei Sultan would not sign the letter . By gun – boat diplomacy , Brookes made the Sultan of Brunei sign a letter authorizing the attack on Marudu by a big fleet with about six hundred naval forces , thus giving rise to the unjustified killing of the civilians and defenders of the Marudu fort who offered a truce but to no avail due to the terroristic proclivity of the power greedy and ancient terrorist James Brookes who employed a formidable force against a weak and innocent group of people , who were not ready on war for the night before the war was spent in night vigil in celebration for Nisfu Sha’ban .
This Brooke’s - authored terrorism against people with no crime whatsoever against humanity and who were less-armed with no intention to fight as they worshipped Allah almost the whole night in celebration for the Nisfu Sha’ban night before the August 19 , 1845 war and were preparing for their haj/ pilgrimage journey to the land of Hijaz , Arabia at that time could be likened to what some bad men of America did to the people of Iraq when they said that there were weapons of mass destruction kept by President Husein Saddam , hence , the justification to indiscriminatety bombard and ruin Iraq . Worse ,at the end of the military operations , it was undoubtedly found out that there were no weapons of mass destruction being discovered .This is similar to what Brookes did by attacking Marudu fort after wrongly defaming Sultan Sharif Osman as a pirate . A question arises : Can you enliven those already martyred / killed by the British agressors?
A son of Sultan Pg Sharif Muhammad Saleh based in Sungay Besar , Marudu son of Pg Md Daud Son of North Bora student oneo Founding Sultan Pg Maulana Abdul Wahab son of Brunei Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin I to his wife Wan Sharifa Puteh daughter of Waliyyollah Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Fatani Al Madani[ Gate keeper of Jannatul Baqi grave yard and Masjid Nabawi care - taker] and a prominent Sufi Sheikh of the Qadiri , Naqhsbandi , Samani , and Shatari Orders / Tareeqah ,Sharif Osman said in ecstatic manner“ That a great leader from his 7th generational heirs will emerge to enlighten the public about his reality and further continue his political aspiration and religious/spiritual campaign,” .Journey from very far area to another in a twinkle of an eye was attributed to him , like his 4th grandfather saint Abdul Rahman who used to go to Haramain , Saudi Arabia and learn from scholars there in the morning and come back to Fatani in the afternoon , now Thailand, as reported by his famous student Sheikh Allamah Daud Abdullah Al Fatani .Like other sufis , he was the leader in his time who was endowed with the best of ideals , character and attitude .
ReplyDeleteAn anecdote about him was reported , “ That those who learned from his students will also inherit invulnerability if Allah wills . An accused suspected thief was subjected to a needle penetration on his eye by the Police authority , but it cannot touch the eye howsoever he tried . Upon this , the boy was asked why he was not harmed to the least . He said that he got [ A military lesson from Sharif Osman's remote student .
He was succeeded by his son Sultan Sharif Yasin to his wife Dayang Sharifa Sahaya daughter of Sulu Sultan Shakirullah[1821 to 23] , a gevernor of Sandakan for 19 years when his father Sultan Sharufuddin ruled.
A nationalist whose family , relatives and soldiers and people sacrificed barrels of martyrs’ blood , Suktan Sharif Yasin never thought of leasing Sabah , though he was the only authority , by virtue of residency and law of succession , to lease it . The 1865/1878 Sabah lease made by Brunei Temenggong and 1878 North Borneo lease concluded by his brother-in-law and second cousin nephew Sulu Sultan Jamalul Azam were void and baseless ab initio considering the fact that North Borneo was an independent / a sovereign state , not of their jurisdiction . An Arabian poet goes to say : “Fakdo shay an la yo’ta / That thing you do not possess , you cannot dispose of. “ Thus ,North Borneo indeed belongs to the Sultanate of North Borneo . Moreover , The lease made by Sultan Jamalul Alam was deemed as illegal by the Shakirullah [ Yasin ‘s maternal grandfather ] family , et al as the period of lease was the turn of Shakirullah family after the reign of Sultan Jamalul Kiram I , a nephew and Rajah Mudah of HM Sultan Shakirullah .
Mass influx of Tausug relatives and parties from Mindanao to North Borneo began in Muhammad Yasin’s period because of his good accommodation aside from the realization of the fact that Yasin is a direct heir of HM Sultan Badaruddin who was married to a noble Tirun and his son HM Sultan Alimuddin I whose better-half was a mestiza Chinese , a daughter of a ruling Tirun personality .
Sultan Sharif Yasin fought in the Battle of Marudu and was perceived as Raja when residing in Benggaya in 1851, and — as ‘Sheriff Yassin of Malludu’ — even as principal chief of the Bay of Marudu in 1879 by the British. The marriage of Sharif Osman with DayangSahaya meant that Syarif Osman and his direct descendantswere able to protect their primus inter pares claim against the other syarif and leaders in Marudu Bay[ Bianca , 2008] .
ReplyDeleteThe British Governor in Singapore commended him for rescuing European and local captives from pirates who were on- board the Dolphin ship .He moreover implemented Sharia hadd law [ execution of adulterers and criminals ] and excised reasonable tax as commanded by Sharia in order to help poor and needy and so forth .
Yasin was succeded by his son of young age Sharif Husin as the first heir –apparent who died in 1886 .He was still referred to as a young Arab (CO 855/1–55, British North Borneo Herald, 1 September 1883: 4). Deprivation of economic rights and privileges began when the British North Borneo Company operated from 1882 until the Japanese invasion in 1942.A saying : “ If you want to topple down any government , deprive its administrators and people of its government revenues “. Thus , the beginning of the down fall of the North Borneo under Sharif Husin with his Rajah Muda 27th SultanTuan Wan Sharif Abdullah , who afterward brought his family and entourage numbering 40 men and 40 women with North Borneo’s royal daggers , 2 sets of 8- battery big cannons and other weapons , gongs , flags , chendana wood from Bukit Chendana which is used to scent the dead body , ancient Qur’an ,artifacts , etc as a war strategy like what the Sultanate of Johore did in transferring its Istana from Johor mainland to the Island of Riau and further in obedience to his grandfather Sharif Yasin’s commandment to follow his father Sharif Tomambiling to his hometown in the Philippines in order to spread the Aquida , Shafi’i and tasawwuf teachings and thereafter comeback to North Borneo to rule again as predicted by Sharif Osman . Sharif Abdullah established his Islamic government within the government of the Sultanate of Pagayawan with his North Bornean 40 men and 40 female entourage from North Borneo and royal dagger , gongs , canons ,and other arti-facts,.Being without a successor male issue , his nephew hereunder self-exiled Sultan was appointed as his heir – apparent from 1882 to 86.
ReplyDeleteA grandson of Md Yasin and first heir – apparent to the predecessor Sultan , Sharif Abdullah was given a mission to leave North Borneo and spread Islamic teaching abroad and protect the sanctity and honour of the Sultanate and Islam and further groom his successors to perpetuate the Sultanate within a Sultanate [ A case of a State within a State ] , even if the remaining functions are only confined to the 24 round the clock traditional routine worship of Allah ,socio-civic activities , arbitration and peace – making activities .He instructed his heirs to come back to North Borneo to retrieve their political , hereditary , socio-economic , and other rights and above-all rule again thereat when the political climate becomes good .
The United Kingdom established protectorate over North Borneo and Brunei in 1888. His mother Pengiran Muratun [ Like the celebrated name of the mother of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin II , daughter of Sultan Kanzul Alam and wife of Sultan Jamalul Alam I ] /Dayang Tata was married by his father who is a great mujahid / shahid in Borneo [ Maranao Sharif Tomambiling , Amai Domendug ] , but a descendant of Brunei Sultan Muhammad Hasan on many dimensions.Tomambiling’s brother Datu Mark of Bayang is a great grand father of the late Paramount Sultan Congressman Haron Al Rashid Lucman . Another brother of Tomambiling who headed the 95-strong Mujahideen Ranao Forces from Lanao Del Sur , Philippines and reinforced North Bornean Sultanate in the mid-19th century is Datu Buato , a great grand father of the Maguindanao Sultan Pangadapun Benito [ Former Mayor of Balabagan , Lanao Del Sur]. Tomambiling’s paternal greatmother Bai Pizayanan binti Datu Methonong of Wato is a sister of Datu Tungku Besar , an alleged ancestor of the Philippine President-elect Attorney Rodrigo Duterte .
ReplyDeleteFondly called as Tuanku Kaifiya by his heirs and people as he preached Kaifiya Khilwat [Seclusion for meditation and dhikr in an isolated area for a given period with less sleep and eating ] of his ancestor Sheikh Waliyyollah Abdul Rahman ,Rajah Sharif Abdullah preached Shafi’i and tasawwuf teachings and delegated his sons Mawi [ Name of Abdul Rahman’s brother buried in Cherubum , Indonesia] , Pandita [ A malay term for learned scholar] , Telawang [ A place in Sabah ] , Baru [ A mountain in Brunei ] , Bangon or Bungun [ A place in Sabah ] , Binagor , and Mera [ A place between Kudat and Marudu and in Sandakan ] to other areas , thus establishing Islam in Lanao , which in turn expanded to as far as Sulu , Tawi-Tawi , Palawan , Luzon ,Visayas , etc which used to be parts of the jurisdiction of HM Sultan Bolkiah . His martyred father Sharif Tomambiling , et al returned back to North Borneo and fought the intruders . He could have a military alliance with another N.B. hero Mat Saleh who resisted the North Borneo Charter Company toward the end of the 19th century.
he dreamt during his tabligh khoroj last December 2015 in Malaysia and after visiting his ancestors who are awliyyaAllah and rajahs / sultans in Thaiiland , Malaysia , Indonesia , Singapore and Brunei that 1. He was ordering a local Christian leader in Marudu to protect the cultural and state heritage of HM Sultan / Rajah Sharif Osman , 2. He was telling his first cousin Ismael that they are going to get Sabah while in Selangor , meaning to rule Sabah 3.He heard a divine sound thrice that he was a helper of deen [Nasiruddin ] while in Markaz Seri Petaling , and 4.Finally, a beautiful lady gave him while in Markaz Seri Petaling a solomonic ring, which bore the inscription “ number 130” on the bottom – most shank, which means that the current Sultan is going to become a king / sultan hopefully in the year 2016 because 1886 -- a year where the last childless Bornean Sultan Sharif Husin -who did not have a successor - vacated his sultanate in a natural way [death] – plus 130 years is 2016 .He also dreamt in the first week of February in the Philippines that a lady was telling him and relatives that said Sultan will get enthroned in February , which came true last February 11, 2016 . Clairvoyance for Muslims is not amazing as the Quran says in Chapter Yunus 62 to 64 : “Those who believed and were fearing Allah For them are good tidings [ via dream or while awake ]in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah . That is what is the great attainment.In fact , He dreamt the Holy Prophet Muhammad [SAW] 11 times .
ReplyDeleteA divinely – proclaimed Nasiruddin [ The Helper of Islamic Religion] in a dream by a divine sound for 3 times in the Seri Petaling Tabligh Markaz , Malaysia last December 2016, His Majesty Sultan Sharif Muhammad Ali II Yasin Nasiruddin Al Jilani V (born 9 November 1963) was enthroned as the current 29th Sultan of the State of North Borneo / Sabah Darul ‘ Afiya , Malaysia.
He was present during the testimonial dinner of then Sabah Chief Minister SakaranDandai and prayed for his political victory sometime in March , 1994 after being informed by his distant relative Sharif Yacub bin Muhammad of Likas , Kota Kinabalu that Sultan / Rajah of North Borneo headquartered at Kota Marudu [ 1830 – 1845 ] and Sufi / Islamic Mystic Sheikh Sharif Osman has said in an ecstatic manner that “ [ A great leader from his 7th generational heirs will emerge to enlighten the public about his reality and further continue to pursue his political aspiration and religious/spiritual campaign,” He came five [ 5 ] times to Sabah Darul ‘Afiya since 1994 in order to get blessings from the blessed grave of Sharif Osman , further introduce and popularize again the mystical teaching of Sultan Osman in Sabah Darul ‘ Afiya and above-all explore the possibility of restoring and re-establishing the then sovereign Brunei Sultanate’s 2nd Division / otherwise known as North Borneo Sultanate of Sharif Osman , thus restoring the previous golden rule of Rajah Sharif Osman , atmosphere of peaceful existence among inhabitants such as , but not limited to , the people of Fatani , Brunei , Chinese , Bugis ,Indonesia ,Malaysian Peninsular , India , Tausug , Ilanun ,Maranaw ,Yakan , Palawan , Jamah Mapun , Murut ,Tirun/Tidong , Samal , Bajau , Dayak , Rungus Momongun , Dozun , Ida’an and so forth ; and environment of amity , prosperity and security .
Dear / Respected Administrator , may you delete the above message as it is lacking .This refers to another person , not Abdullah . I shall continue after it is deleted .Tarima kasi
ReplyDeleteThree children of Tuan Abdullah got a common off-spring , great grandson , who happened to be 7th generation of Sharif Osman in 3 dimensions , twice paternally and once maternally , who was predicted as the revivalist of the Sultanate of North Borneo after spreading Islam in the Philippines and when political climate in Sabah / NB becomes favorable . His name is Sultan Pg Wan Sharif Muhammad Ali Yasin II Al Jilani.He dreamt during his tabligh khoroj last December 2015 in Malaysia and after visiting his ancestors who are awliyyaAllah and rajahs / sultans in Thailand , Malaysia , Indonesia , Singapore and Brunei that 1. He was ordering a local Christian leader in Marudu to protect the cultural and state heritage of HM Sultan / Rajah Sharif Osman , 2. He was telling his first cousin Ismael that they are going to get Sabah while in Selangor , meaning to rule Sabah 3.He heard a divine sound thrice that he was a helper of deen [Nasiruddin ] while in Markaz Seri Petaling , and 4.Finally, a beautiful lady gave him while in Markaz Seri Petaling a solomonic ring, which bore the inscription “ number 130” on the bottom – most shank, which means that the current Sultan is going to become a king / sultan hopefully in the year 2016 because 1886 -- a year where the last childless Bornean Sultan Sharif Husin -who did not have a successor - vacated his sultanate in a natural way [death] – plus 130 years is 2016 .He also dreamt in the first week of February in the Philippines that a lady was telling him and relatives that said Sultan will get enthroned in February , which came true last February 11, 2016 . Clairvoyance for Muslims is not amazing as the Quran says in Chapter Yunus 62 to 64 : “Those who believed and were fearing Allah , for them are good tidings [ via dream or while awake ]in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah . That is what is the great attainment.In fact , He dreamt the Holy Prophet Muhammad [SAW] 11 times .
ReplyDeleteA divinely – proclaimed Nasiruddin [ The Helper of Islamic Religion] in a dream by a divine sound for 3 times in the Seri Petaling Tabligh Markaz , Malaysia last December 2016, His Majesty Sultan Sharif Muhammad Ali II Yasin Nasiruddin Al Jilani V (born 9 November 1963) was enthroned as the current 29th Sultan of the State of North Borneo / Sabah Darul ‘ Afiya , Malaysia.
He was present during the testimonial dinner of then Sabah Chief Minister SakaranDandai and prayed for his political victory sometime in March , 1994 after being informed by his distant relative Sharif Yacub bin Muhammad of Likas , Kota Kinabalu that Sultan / Rajah of North Borneo headquartered at Kota Marudu [ 1830 – 1845 ] and Sufi / Islamic Mystic Sheikh Sharif Osman has said in an ecstatic manner that “ [ A great leader from his 7th generational heirs will emerge to enlighten the public about his reality and further continue to pursue his political aspiration and religious/spiritual campaign,” He came five [ 5 ] times to Sabah Darul ‘Afiya since 1994 in order to get blessings from the blessed grave of Sharif Osman , further introduce and popularize again the mystical teaching of Sultan Osman in Sabah Darul ‘ Afiya and above-all explore the possibility of restoring and re-establishing the then sovereign Brunei Sultanate’s 2nd Division / otherwise known as North Borneo Sultanate of Sharif Osman , thus restoring the previous golden rule of Rajah Sharif Osman , atmosphere of peaceful existence among inhabitants such as , but not limited to , the people of Fatani , Brunei , Chinese , Bugis ,Indonesia ,Malaysian Peninsular , India , Tausug , Ilanun ,Maranaw ,Yakan , Palawan , Jamah Mapun , Murut ,Tirun/Tidong , Samal , Bajau , Dayak , Rungus Momongun , Dozun , Ida’an and so forth ; and environment of amity , prosperity and security .
Last May 26 , 2016 [ Friday] at about 1: 30 early in the morning , Sharif Osman appeared to the Sabah/ North Borneo Sultan Muhammad Ali Yasin II Nasiruddin Al Jilani in a dream for the first time in his life that Sharif Osman came from the sky with ‘Arab attire and kingly cloak and indirectly pointed to Sultan Al Jilani a Champa kingly garment in front of them as as they both descended from Champa rulers and made Sultan Al Jilani stand in his right side with a lady in his left [ Maybe Sharifa Sahaya as they were in his blessed shrine at Marudu] .
ReplyDeleteHistory repeats itself . A Muslim saint Sheikh Akbar in the 12th century once said in an ecstasy that “ When S enters Sh , the grave of Mohyuddin will be discovered.” Fortunately , when Sultan Salim II assumed as Sultan based in Egypt 300 hundred years later , said Sultan or [letter S] was told by a sufi to go to Sham or Sh and further discovered said grave which came true as prophesied . Another anecdote about North Borneo Sultan / Rajah based in Kota Marudu in the mid-19th century who happened to be a Naqhsbandi , Samani and Qadiri Sufi of high caliber in the person of Brunei Pengiran Wan Sharif Osman who once ruled North Borneo up to Palawan , Balabac and Cagayan de Tawi Tawi of the Philippines , if we may recall , said in ecstatic manner “ That a great leader from his 7th generational heirs will emerge to enlighten the public about his reality and further continue to pursue his political aspiration and religious/spiritual campaign .” His prediction was realized after 130 years from 1886 through his 7th heir Naqhsbandi , Qadiri , Idrusi , Rifai , Samani , Alwi , and Chisti sufi ; Tabligh preacher ; and Sultan Muhammad Ali Yasin II Nasiruddin Al Jilani of the Hashimite Sultanate of Pagayawan , Lanao Del Sur and Norte , now in the Philippines . Please , make a lot of prayers or dua for the new Sultan to serve the people of Sabah in the near future with the pleasure of Allahu Rabbol Izzat. Allahu Akbar 3 times. Ameen.
We must be grateful to Allah Jalla Jalaaloho as the Almighty God made us among World and last Prophet [ ahlulbayt ] .Worthy to note here the saying of Rasullah Allah: “Four people who will have my intercession on the Day of Judgment are people who respect ahlubaitku, people who meet their needs, people who are trying to help their business when necessary and the people who love them with their heart and tongue. (HR.Imam Ahmad)He also said “Who hates my heirs[ahlubaitku], he is a hypocrite.”(HR.Imam Ahmad)
ReplyDeleteLittle Correction in the above message.We must be grateful to Allah Jalla Jalaaloho as the Almighty God made us among World and last Prophet's heirs [ ahlulbayt ] .Worthy to note here the saying of Rasullah Allah: “Four people who will have my intercession on the Day of Judgment are people who respect ahlubaitku, people who meet their needs, people who are trying to help their business when necessary and the people who love them with their heart and tongue. (HR.Imam Ahmad)He also said “Who hates my heirs[ahlubaitku], he is a hypocrite.”(HR.Imam Ahmad)
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...He he..you are an opportunistic pirate......
Delete... :p
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ReplyDeleterif osman la yg sbnrnya yg sultan brunei asli dkat pulau cermin yg d tantang ole sultan pengkianat yg bru stakat ipar sultan brunei. gelar dirinya sultan brunei konon, padahal dya tipu smua rakyat brunei yg sultan suda lari.. suatu saat nnt, akan terungkai cerita yg sbnarnya.. sbar dan tnggu jak..